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Blank Slate Class

By Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva

“To deƒіne is to limit.” – The Picture of Dorian Gray – Chapter 17/XVİİ – By Oscar Wilde.


This class tries to mitigate the problem of running a game w/ the obsolete concept of classes.

Hit Die: The normal for your race (humans get a d8, etc.; see the «Standard Hit Die» section in the file of the RPG shared libraries).

Skill Points: The lowest by Level.

Feats: You get feats in every level.

Proƒіciency: simple weapons only and none w/ armor. Selecting feats can change it (see bellow).

You can select any feats from any class, provided that:

*The GM approves it according to the plot of the campaign. Finding appropriate training can be an adventure hook/seed.

*You fulƒіll the prerequisites. Replace any requisites of levels in a given class w/ your levels in this class.

You can do it for class features from other class, respecting the same criteria.

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