By Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva
The group of the Country Dungeon Crawlers is composed of the following members:
Snow Queen – A woman w/ sapphire-blue eyes, light violet skin and dark violet hair; specialized in ice magic.
Werecurrant – A mutant sapient currant tree. He carries a crossbow w/ bayonet.
Mutantman – He have two heads like roosters/cocks w/ a pair of eyestalks in the top of each one. He have the legs and a tail of a kangaroo, but the end of the tail have a hand-like appendage; he can put the tail-hand in the ground to give a support to put both feet of the ground to kick w/ them. His arms are flexible like the spinal chord of the cobras of the naja genus. He carries a crossbow w/ bayonet.
Prosthesis-man – He born w/ a birth defect/deformity, not having legs and arms. He uses a whole-body bionic prosthesis found in the ruins of an advanced ancient civilization. İt haves embedded guns; the current technology could replicate, at much cost, at a certain point, some of the ammo of these guns.
The Beloshian Empire was composed of settlers coming from several empires. İt’s located in the ˙Ժabonian continent, that was colonized & populated after the others.
The settlers of a new area got problems w/ sightings of a race that he called “werebutterflies” or “weremoths”. They suffered attacks from these beings and were robbed by them when they traveled by night in the roads that they created. The settlers were scared.
There were reports that the hideout or headquarters of that beings was in a mountain w/ a network of caves.
The Country Dungeon Crawlers climbed there to check the situation by night; and they looked to th Full Moon that shone over them while they climbed the mountain. At certain point of the climb, they were ambushed by a group of werelepidopterans that were gliding over them, w/ a volley of primitive javelins. They answered ƒіre w/ ƒіre. The prosthesis-man w/ his embedded guns, the mutantman and the werecurrant w/ the crossbows and the Snow Queen w/ the snow spells.
After killing them, they resumed the climbing, but they could imagine that they could expect for problems, as some of them probably gave some kind of warning to their colleagues in the caves.
They entered in one of the cave entrances, but only found items stolen from the settlers and gold and silver personal objects among them. Probably the werelepidopterans were trying to ƒіgure out what they’re and what was their use. They looted small objects, and went to the other caves. Leaving the cave, a group of werelepidopterans ambushed them, but they killed them in the melee.
They delved into the inner caves and began to map them. İn one of the smaller chambers of one of the caves, were two werelepidopterans guarding a large group of small larvae, probably the children of that beings. ¿ But what should they do? Killing that ones that were just trying to protect their children would be simply murder. Not doing it could be a risk if they made some warning to possible colleagues in nearby caves.
They decided that the mutantman and the werecurrant should watch them while the Snow Queen and the prosthesis-man should map the other chambers.
The Snow Queen and the prosthesis-man found a group of werelepidopterans awaiting for an ambush in other chamber. They gave the warning and the mutantman and the werecurrant came, but they were slow because they couldn’t turn their backs to the two werelepidopterans that were guarding the larvae.
They came and they fought and killed the ones in the chamber. They returned to the chamber of the larvae and the other two had fled, carrying most of the larvae w/them.
They took the remaining larvae, and found some other in other chambers. They came back to the hub of villages w/ the looted objects and the corpse of a relatively intact werelepidopterans, and also some severed bodyparts of some of the other corpses. They returned the objects to their owners, getting the rewards; they gave the corpse and the severed bodyparts to the doctors of the hub, so they could examine their anatomy and physiology, so the settlers could have access to better ways to kill them. The larvae were given to the village managers, so the new werelepidopterans would be raised in the village. The Country Dungeon Crawlers made a map of the cave system and delivered it to the village managers, being rewarded.
They warned to the village managers that there could be any number of werelepidopterans in hideouts in the nearby wilderness., and that would be a good idea to increase the safety of the constructions of the villages, creating a local militia and putting people to make the security of the travels in the roads.
Back home, there were news that the magical genetic engineers created a genetic modiƒіcation that would regenerate limbs, and other that healed the prosthesis-man condition. He used it, as he couldn’t rely on the long-term for a dangerous lifestyle on a prosthesis that wasn’t fully understood from an advanced ancient civilization; his limbs grew. However, not everything is a bed of roses, as he was already adapted to the prosthesis, and now he haves to adapt himself w/ normal limbs, that works completely different. At least, now the reverse engineering can be made in his limbs.