By Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva
To make a soak roll, roll [1d20 + weapon damage + bonuses] – [1d20 + HD (Hit Die)]. The «bonuses» refer to miscellaneous ones, like sneak attack, critical hits, etc.
In sonic, and bludgeoning ones, you do make the soak roll. In acid, cold, electricity, energy, fire, slashing, and piercing damage types, you don’t make a soak roll; you also doesn’t make a soak roll for helpless targets, for example, suffering a sneak attack; the exceptions are for targets that have the Supernatural Resilience feat (see its entry) or target without anatomical weak points to be explored by sneak attacks.
When you don’t make the soak roll, you just make the damage roll [1d20 + weapon damage + bonuses].
In a positive result, you cause damage. For each five points, increase the damage by 1. For example, if the result is a 07, you inflicted 2 points of Wounds.
You suffer a penalty of 20% in your tasks for each Wound Level. In the 5th Wound Level, you faint (lose your consciousness), and people have one hour to apply first aid on you, otherwise you die. If you suffer any further Wound Level. in this mean time (attacks, bleeding, etc), you also die.
The GM can rule that certain types of damage, when hitting the head, throat, or spinal cord, causes an instantaneous death, independent on the damage roll. For example, ballistic damage in such areas.
If the attacker shots trying (or pretending to try) to hit someone w/ a firearm (or any weapon that produces a loud shot) against a target that, in the opinion of the GM, hasn’t the habit of the combat, the target makes a will check, using as the DC the [1d20 + weapon damage + bonuses] of the attacker. In a fail, he target falls prone; In a [critical fail/fumble/botch], the target faints (lose the consciousness).