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Writer's pictureFelipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva

RPG Shared Libraries

By Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva

The elements below will be used in further RPG articles.

•Charge consumption check: Roll d20+Level vs a Target Number 20. If the result is equal or lower than the Target Number, you fail, getting an [fatigue/exhaustion] level. An 01 is always an [critical fail/fumble/botch], an 20 is always an critical success. If your system doesn’t have an separate [fatigue/exhaustion] mechanic, use non-lethal damage instead.

→Teste de consumo de carga: Role d20+Level vs um Número-Alvo de 20. Se o resultado for igual ou menor que o Número-Alvo, você falha, recebendo um nível de [fadiga/exaustão]. Um 01 é sempre uma falha crítica, um 20 é sempre um sucesso crítico. Se o seu sistema não tem uma mecânica separada pra [fadiga/exaustão], use dano não-letal em vez disso.

•Substitution Roll: Make a charge consumption check, so replace the result of a d20 roll by your level in this class or the value of your listed attribute (2X+10 in direct bonus systems); Treat «X» as your level in this class in the following equations. This can’t be used to negate fumbles/botches/critical fails or to produce artiƒіcial critical successes, so you need to do the roll anyway. X*5 in roll-over d100 systems; 21-X in roll-under d20 systems; 101-(X*5) in roll-under d100 systems; where X is the aforementioned result for roll-over d20 systems;

•Standard Hit Die: Each character begins w/ a Hit Die (HD) determined by his size: d2 – Fine, d3 – Diminutive, d4 – Tiny, d5 – Between Tiny and Small, d6 – Small, d7 – Between Small and Medium, d8 – Medium, d10 – Large, d12 – Huge, d14 – Between Huge and Gargantuan (more to the Huge size), d16 – Between Huge and Gargantuan (a bit bigger), d20 – Gargantuan, d24 – Colossal, d30 – Bigger than Colossal. Note that this basically follows the «dice chain» from the DCC (Dungeon Crawl Classics) RPG, using the size categories of the Pathƒіnder RPG.

•Scavenger: Can eat rotten [carcasses/carrion] w/out getting sick.

→Carniceiro: Pode comer [carniça/carcassas] podres sem ƒіcar doente.

•Arcane Hardened Skin: Arcane energy around you hardened your skin. Your natural armor reduces the need of an armor. You gain +1 point of DR (Damage Re[duction/sistance]) for every 5 levels in this class; you gain +1 point of AC (Armor Class) for every level in this class. The DR stacks w/ the armor you’re wearing; however, you only use the AC of the outermost [armor/protection] you’re wearing on each bodypart.

•Regeneration: Requires the «Healing Factor» ability of this list as a prerequisite. You can regrow lost limbs. A whole limb (leg arm) or sensory organ (eyes, etc.) takes [1d6*10]/[Level in this class] weeks; an extremity (hand, foot) or just a bone (See the «Bone Weapon» ability below) takes half of this time: [1d6*5]/[Level in this class]. In this meantime, you suffer from increased consumption: +1 meal for each whole limb or sensory organ, +0.5 meal for the cluster of [extremities/bones] related to a given limb not lost.

•Bone Weapon: You can detach some of the bones of your body to turn them into weapons. Some of them are small clubs (ulna-radius pair, humerus, tibia-ƒіbula pair, femur), some of them ƒіstload weapons (ribs & clavicles). Regenerating only the bone requires the «Regeneration» ability of this list.

•Shape Bone Weapon: Requires the «Bone Weapon» ability of this list as a prerequisite. You can shape the aforementioned «small clubs» into long daggers, ribs into sickles, clavicles into small daggers, scapulas into bucklers, and the humerus-scapula pair into axes.

•Meat For Cannibals: For the sake of the simplicity, the GM may assume that an average person provides enough meat for 20 to 25 meals (in terms of meals exclusively composed of meat; for meals mixed w/ other things, double the effective amount of meals).

→Carne pra Canibais: Pro bem da simplicidade, o GM pode assumir que uma pessoa mediana fornece carne o suƒіciente pra 20 a 25 refeições (em termos de refeições exclusivamente compostas de carne; pra refeições que a misturam com outras coisas, dobre a quantidade efetiva de refeições).

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