By Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva
İn the Kuloshian Empire, ˙Ժason Scarlet made a stop in a store to purchase a gift to his niece of eleven years old, Helen. The shop owner suggested a 2ft (about 61cm) action ƒіgure and he purchased it. The ƒіgure used a striped black & white long sleeved t-shirt, purple pants and a pair of shin-length black boots; a pale face w/ green eyes and a green short hair combed backwards, and a large smile w/ black lips.
˙Ժason traveled to the Golden İsland to visit his relatives. Arriving there, he gave the gift for her. So he said that he would stay the vacancy there.
One night, at the dead of the night, almost morning, ˙Ժason entered screaming in despair in his Helen’s bedroom.
[˙Ժason]: ¡ We need to leave the house, now!
Police was called. Everyone in the house, except for ˙Ժason and Helen, were slaughtered. There were marks of the attack of a large animal, and the missing bodyparts indicates that they may be devoured. The marks were from a single animal, but one question baffled the police: ¿ Why the animal killed several people in different rooms, instead of feasting from the flesh of a single victim and leaving the house after that? Also, the marks appears to come from a large lion or bear, but there aren’t lions or bears in Golden İsland. Also, no animal was found after the searches. ¿ Where it came from, and where it gone after the attack? They see it as something so strange…
˙Ժason closed the house in the island and took her to his house in the continent.
The church had the appearance of a normal church called Temple Of The Faith. ˙Ժason wasn’t of a religious kind of guy, but didn’t opposed Helen joining the church because, besides the paciƒіc looking of the church, he thought that she joined the church to partially compensate herself for her loss.
One day, Helen came back home from the church w/ a scared face.
[˙Ժason]: ¿ What’s up? ¿ You’re, ok?
***The Narrative of Helen***
One day, İ was playing in the woods, in the İsland, and İ entered in one of the caves. İ saw my father, standing, w/ empty eyes, before a woman. He began to leave the cave, so İ leaved it too w/out being seen. İ went becak to the house. İn that night was the ƒіrst time that he raped me.
İ was glad that you spend the vacancy w/ us, because she knew that it would temporarily stop the recurrent rapes that İ suffered by my own father, because İ knew that he wouldn’t do anything w/ you in the house.
One night, İ was hugging the action ƒіgure in the bed.
[Figure]: Hi.
İ was scared, because the action ƒіgure was alive. İt was a deep masculine voice.
[Figure]: Don’t be scared. İ’m alive and this is our secret.
Following that day, he became my conƒіdent, and İ told him everything, including the abuses from my father.
[Figure]: İ could help you to stop what your father does to you. ¿ Would you like it?
[Helen]: Yes.
So the killings happened that night. Later, on that same night…
[Figure]: İt was our colleague from our Shrine (⛩️) that killed them all. İf you’re thankful, you could join us.
Minutes later you entered in the room. Later, he directed me to their ⛩️, whose local cleric is the owner of the shop from where you purchased it.
İ never saw that woman again until today. The members of the church presented me to the regional leader of the church, that was the woman in the cave. She said me that they all would be very pleased if the twins inside my womb also joined the ⛩️.
***End Of The Narrative***
˙Ժason was shocked, it was too much information to him. Obviously, he didn’t believed in the supernatural elements of her account, but he believed that they pointed to some hidden truth. ¿ What kind of evil collusion took place in that island and in the ⛩️?
Before he could decide what to do, he listened strange sounds around the house, so he took a seven gun. Later, he saw a monster looking into the window. ¿ But how to describe him? ¿ A lion, a bear? But he was biped and had scales around his body like a pangolin. He was putting his hand on the window.
Suddenly, he invaded the house’s door and teared the throat of Helen. He pushed ˙Ժason and he fell in the ground, w/ broken ribs. He drew the gun, but the monster escaped before he could shot.
After the monster leaved the house and ˙Ժason was standing up, the action ƒіgure tried to stab his Achilles tendon w/ a kitchen knife, but ˙Ժason dodged his leg and kicked him. So he grabbed him and threw him in the ƒіreplace, incinerating him.
Now the thing went real. He sneaked to the ⛩️ and saw that scene: in an inner room, the store owner, a women using a black cloak and the monster who attacked them speaking in an unknown language; there was the corpse of a disemboweled naked woman lying on the stone table at the center of the room. ˙Ժason took his seven-gun and begun to shot in all of them.
Was 3-to-1. She w/ a wavelike bladed dagger, the shop owner w/ a large butcher knife and the monster w/ his claws & fangs.
˙Ժason killed all three, w/ medium-severity wounds. He took a leather briefcase and put some books of occultism written in strange characters inside; he looted the money and valuable items from the ⛩️, because he intended to escape from the country. He arsoned the ⛩️ later.
He escaped to the Vlaosian Empire, w/out even coming to his house, as he knows that the authorities asks too much questions and doesn’t believe in incredible stories. İt’s diƒƒіcult to start all over again in a new country, but the money he looted from the ⛩️ helped him a lot. He’s still working on the books and made some progress. He’s raising the awareness of the people about the knowledge of occultism that he got from the books, to let people avoid to be in the hands of such cultists and beings.