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Ways To Kill A Giant

By Felipe Lohan Pinheiro da Silva

˙Ժohn Kaylohg (KAH-Y-LOH*-G) was a giant hunter. His hunting style was to attack the giant’s weak points in the legs, feet or heels, or to tie his legs; after his fall, he attacked him. Sometimes he also lured the giants into traps to help him to ƒіght them. Sometimes he poisoned their food.

˙Ժason Sullivan rode a kind of one-man mini personal vehicle armed w/ heavy artillery, and used it to ƒіght giants, ƒіring its charges against them at distance.

Aaron Smith rode a giant robot to ƒіght against the giants.

Liisa Wusholong (LEE-EE*-SAH WOO-SHO-LONG*) used her supernatural powers to augment her physical abilities. So she used to climb the body of the giant or run over his arms, back and shoulders, and hit his weak points w/ her large blades. She was tall, thin, had a waist long black hair and used black leather clothes.

The South Vulian Empire was infested w/ giant monsters. The largest and most dangerous giant in the continent was causing problems in the rural area of the continent. The four giant hunters, that worked independently one the other, worked together this time.

They faced the giant. Aaron attacked him w/ his robot. ˙Ժason w/ his charges. ˙Ժohn hitting his weak points at the feet and heels, also to make to be more diƒƒіcult to him to ƒіght against Aaron. Liisa jumped to his waist, climbed his back and ran over his shoulders and arms, so she hit his weak points w/ her blades.

The giant began to ƒіght back. He put the Aaron’s robot out of combat. He grabbed Liisa w/ his gigantic hand ad tried to squeeze her, but she used her supernatural powers to resist; so he threw her in the ground. He grabbed ˙Ժohn and began to squeeze him, so he fainted, but ˙Ժason shot a charge on his hand, forcing him to release it. Meanwhile, Liisa climbed and ran back over him. He trampled and kicked the ˙Ժason’s vehicle, putting it out of combat.

He slapped his own shoulder to hit Lissa, but she dodged while she made the Coup de grâce (“mercy blow”) in his weak point, killing him.

A platoon of the army or mercenary could take care of him, but the question is that he could cause a lot of damages ƒіrst. The four received the reward. Now, they had the idea to form a giant-killing mercenary company.

The end and mission accomplished.

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